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  • Product Name:3.7V Lithium polymer batteries for PDA

Product Introduction:

3.7V Lithium polymer batteries for PDA


Lithium polymer batteries have become common in single-cell consumer applications like cell phones and MP3 players, but industrial and commercial applications are now putting them to good use as well. The thin and custom shaped cells are now used in large, complex packs.


Lithium polymer cells, sometimes called laminate cells, are available in custom footprint size. They can be very thin or quite large depending on their intended use. Lithium polymer batteries, shown in violet, are predicted to become quite common with manufacturers producing 1 billion cells per year by the end of this decade.


The primary advantage of Lithium polymer batteries is the variety of form factors available. Manufacturers of blue tooth devices were the first to recognize the advantage of Lithium polymer batteries.


Lithium polymer cells’ defining feature is a flexible, foil-type (polymer laminate) exterior. They still contain organic solvent. There are a wide array of different technologies used to produce these batteries - some have liquid electrolytes, some are gelled by inclusion of polymers in the electrolyte, some have the layers laminated together and others may be have their electrodes stacked rather than wound. The chemistry is the same as Li-ion. Basically, it is a Li-ion battery in a soft pack.



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